[다국어 번역 챗봇] 슬랙 채널에서 각기 다른 언어를 사용하는 유저들이 하나의 언어로 대화할 수 있도록 폰트 사이즈 12 고딕 폰트 사이즈 12 고딕 폰트 사이즈 12 고딕 폰트 사이즈 12 고딕 폰트 사이즈 12 고딕 import requests from slacker import Slacker import time from slackclient import SlackClient def translate(content, target_lang): encoding = "utf-8" url = 'https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_a/single' params = {'client': 'gtx', 'sl': 'auto', 'tl': target_lang, 'dt': '..
[google translate] 별도의 api key 없이 무료로 구글 번역을 이용할 수 있다 rest api 를 이용하면 가능하다 언어코드갈라시아어gl구자라트어gu그리스어el네덜란드어nl네팔어ne노르웨이어no덴마크어da독일어de라오어lo라트비아어lv라틴어la러시아어ru루마니아어ro룩셈부르크어lb리투아니아어lt마라티어mr마오리어mi마케도니아어mk말라가시어mg말라얄람어ml말레이어ms몰타어mt몽골어mn몽어hmn미얀마어my바스크어eu베트남어vi벨라루스어be벵골어bn보스니아어bs불가리아어bg사모아어sm세르비아어sr세부아노ceb세소토어st소말리아어so쇼나어sn순다어su스와힐리어sw스웨덴어sv스코틀랜드 게일어gd스페인어es슬로바키아어sk슬로베니아어sl신디어sd신할라어si아랍어ar아르메니아어hy아이슬란드어is아이티..
[순열] 중복 없음 import itertools nums_a = [1, 2, 3] permu_a = itertools.permutations(nums_a, 2) 중복 import itertools nums_a = [1, 2, 3] permu = itertools.product(nums_a, repeat=2) [조합] 중복 없음 import itertools nums_a = [1, 2, 3] permu = itertools.combinations(nums_a, repeat=2) 중복 import itertools nums_a = [1, 2, 3] permu = itertools.combinations_with_replacement(nums_a, repeat=2)
Determine the season for a given date. You may assume that the start and end of each season is fixed to the dates given in the table below.seasonstart dateend datespring21 March20 Junesummer21 June22 Septemberautumn23 September20 Decemberwinter21 December20 MarchInputThe day d∈Nd∈N (1≤d≤311≤d≤31) and the name of the month for a given date, each on a separate line.OutputA sentence that describes ..
In chemistry, isomers are compounds that have the same number of atoms of each element, but that differ in the way these atoms are interconnected and arranged. In other words, isomers are compounds with the same molecular formulabut different structural formulas (a compound is also an isomer of itself). Isomers usually have different chemical properties.Ethanol (an alcohol) and dimethyl ether, f..
Apart from having a unique name, chemical elements are also identified by a unique symbolic representation. Chemical symbols are one or two letters from the Latin alphabet, but can be three letters when the element has a provisional name. Chemical symbols are written with an uppercase first letter, followed by zero ore more lowercase letters.Earlier chemical symbols stem from classical Latin and..
[Naver SMTP 설정] https://mail.naver.com/option/imap [gmail smtp 설정] 아래 주소로 접속 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7104828?hl=ko&visit_id=636765832801774601-2011122225&rd=1 POP 설정을 먼저 한다. 빨간색 되있는 곳을 체크해 준다. gmail 자체 보안 레벨 때문에 보안수준을 낮은 앱 허용으로 변경 해주어야 한다. gmail smtp 설정이 완료되었다 [텍스트 보내기] import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText me = '보내는사람' to_naver = '네이버 메일' to_gmail = '지메일' contents =..
[엑셀 쓰기] from openpyxl import Workbook import datetime wb = Workbook() ws = wb.active ws['A1'] = 42 ws.append([1, 2, 3]) ws['A3'] = datetime.datetime.now() wb.save("sample.xlsx") [엑셀 읽기] from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook wb = load_workbook(filename='sample.xlsx') name_sheet = 'Sheet' if name_sheet in wb: sheet = wb[name_sheet] multiple_cells = sheet['A1':'C3'] for r..
[파일쓰기] with open("data.txt", "w") as f: for i in range(10): data = "{} line!\n".format(i) f.write(data) [파일읽기] with open("data.txt", "r") as f: while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break print(line) 한줄씩 읽기 with open("data.txt", "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: print(line) 한번에 읽기
Friday the thirteenth is generally seen as an unlucky day in our culture. However, it is not immediately sure where this superstition comes from, and although there are numerous reports in various religions and customs, it seems that this superstition is at most 100 years old.The combination of the weekday Friday and the number thirteen is also not as universal as you might think. In Belgium, th..
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